"Director C.J. Wallis deftly manages to make a documentary about a lifelong fan of televisions Golden Age. Yet, he turns it into a biting narrative on the gross ineptitude of the health care system in the United States...This is accomplished via careful editing, solid use of humor, and Shostak’s often overbearing yet unrelentingly positive personality!"
Stu’s Show is a heart-warming documentary centered around Stuart Shostak, a lifelong Lucille Ball fan, who also managed to become her personal archivist for more than ten years. Shostak’s endearing love of the Golden Age Of Television and its iconic stars are the focal points of this documentary. Stu’s Show also shines a light on everything that is wrong with our health care system when his long-term girlfriend Jeanine Kasun suffers a debilitating aneurism.
Stu’s Show is a multi-faceted title as it serves as not only the name of this fascinating documentary but also as the title of Shostak’s long-running internet talk show. For more than fifteen years, Shostak has been hosting “Stu’s Show” which is described on his website (www.stusshow.com) as follows: