Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Examiner Really Likes Dead Hooker In A Trunk

I think it is safe to say writer Scott Ruth is officially onboard with Dead Hooker In A Trunk. As recently as this morning, Scott named us as one of the Top 3 Best Films Of 2010.

Now Scott's full review of the film has been posted on The Examiner calling it "a well written, superbly acted, brilliantly directed, produced and scored buddy, crime caper, action, comedy horror movie!" A grandsizing excerpt:
C.J. Wallis who plays Goody Two-Shoes. Wallis, who I couldn't help but notice how much he resembles Edward Norton, both in appearance and in acting style, in this film, is amazing as the total nerd-for-God type, who every now and then forgets his commitment to Christ and goes off on near-psychotic rants about ass-r**ing another guy as means of punishment! 
He is hilarious to watch, and truly commands the camera every time he is on screen. His performance reminded me, in a number of ways, of that of Norton in Primal Fear. Goody Two-Shoes is meek, God-fearing, but there's something else there. Something quite dark, buried deep down within, and every now and then, it comes creeping through, just a bit. Just as is the case with Jen & Sylvia, I believe that the future is a very bright one for C.J. Wallis!
There have been countless wonderful reviews written about this film over the last year but this is the one my mother will most likely print out to pester customers with that come into my father's repair shop (foolishly assuming they can simply purchase product and leave.)


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